Sunday, June 26, 2011

3 tire architecture in a web application development

After reading this article you can get the basic idea about three tire architecture in a web application.

web application is an application that is accessed over a network such as the Internet or an intranet. The term may also mean a computer software application that is hosted in a browser-controlled environment (e.g. a Java applet) or coded in a browser-supported language (such as JavaScript, combined with a browser-rendered markup language like HTML) and reliant on a common web browser to render the application executable.

Web Applications are usually broken into logical chunks called "tiers", where every tier is assigned a role. We know Traditional applications consist only of 1 tier, which resides on the client machine, but  in case of web applications lend themselves to a n-tiered approach by nature.

Though many variations are possible in web application developments, the most common structure is the three-tiered application.

In its most common form, the three tiers are called presentationapplication and storage, in this order.

A web browser is the first tier (presentation),For presentation tire you can use HTML,XHTML,DHTML,CSS,JavaScript (client site scripting).

An engine using some dynamic Web content technology (such as ASP, ASP.NET, CGI, ColdFusion, JSP/Java, PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby on Rails or Struts2) is the middle tier (application logic), and a database is the third tier (storage. Such as MySQL)

See the picture to know more about 3 tire architecture

3 tire

The web browser sends requests to the middle tier, which services them by making queries (SQL) and updates against the database and generates a user interface.

3 tire

For more complex applications, a 3-tier solution may fall short, and you may need a n-tiered approach, where the greatest benefit is breaking the business logic, which resides on the application tier, into a more fine-grained model Or adding an integration tier that separates the data tier from the rest of tiers by providing an easy-to-use interface to access the data. For example, you would access the user data by calling a "list_users()" function instead of making a SQL query directly against the user_info table on the database. That allows you to replace the underlying database without changing the other tiers.

The client would handle the presentation tier, the server would have the database (storage tier), and the business logic (application tier) would be on one of them or on both.

While this increases the scalability of the applications and separates the display and the database, it still doesn't allow for true specialization of layers, so most applications will outgrow this model.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

45000 baby names list in .CSV,.XLS & .SQL file format

I collected about 45000 baby names,gender, meanings of those names, origin,alternative origin and other details.

I collect those data from different web site by web scraping script.

Here all data are in three separate formats: MySQL, MS Excel & .CSV
It can be used to create a baby names directory. Or application for Iphone,android or any platform related with baby name directory ..

Total price of the database is $59 USD.

To view this product Click here..

In freelancer there is a problem (this link doesnot work now) ..You couldn't downloads or buy from free-market.(already 2 sold from here)

So it is better for you to buy directly from me ..

You can buy it directly from me after contacting me ... or you can hire me at odesk ..then pay me ..After contract started I will send you the Database file. (Here also 3 times sold by this way)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Todays Top SEO Trend

With 2011 middle (till June First weeks), we are all looking ahead optimistically towards  the 2nd half of 2011 & beginning of 2012. In the world of web technology, we have not witnessed any major upheaval this year. Being an ardent web surfer and a webmaster it’s all but natural for me to become curious about what the future holds for us in 2012. The most interesting area to look forward to is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) without which no website under the sun passes the fitness test. The SEO domain has received a tremendous boost from the growing popularity of social networking sites and various improvements in search technology. In this article and the following one, I will share with you some of the SEO trends that you can look forward to next year.

Those who have been in the SEO biz for a number of years know how much more competitive it is these days compared to a few years ago. The number of web pages indexed by search engines has doubled, tripled, and quadrupled in past few years. On top of that, a good portion of site owners and webmasters know just enough SEO to be dangerous. In the golden age of SEO, the vast majority of websites hadn't given a thought to the search engines, and when they did, it was only to place some keywords in their Meta tags. (Which, incidentally, didn’t help then either?) Those were the days when anyone who knew even the slightest bit about SEO could easily rank highly in all the major search engines, with very little effort. Even competitive areas were doable with just a little more work than their non-competitive counterparts. So SEO is become the big thing now. Every website owner want to see their website top of the search engine’s search result page by searching their respective keywords.

It is very much important in case of e-commerce website. Every Ecommerce website owner wants to see their product  easily reachable to their client  as well as their competitor. Now online sale & buying is become easy but every online shop owner wants to lead their business. So it need to update their website daily or weekly for the purpose of SEO.

SEO Trend 1:  The struggle Is violent

These days, it's almost the exact opposite. Even keyword phrases that nobody's searching for can sometimes be difficult to obtain high rankings with unless you really and truly know what you're doing. And even then, those rankings may be here one day and gone the next. The problem is magnified for new businesses and new websites. If your site isn't at least a few years old, your SEO efforts will be less likely to provide the results you want. This is one reason why your website optimization should always be seen as a long-term proposition.
SEO Trend 2:  It's About Targeted Traffic, Not Rankings

As we move forward in this industry, webmasters, site owners, and SEOs need to shift their focus from asking how they can get this keyword to this position in this engine to how they can get more targeted traffic and convert it into customers. Unfortunately, a large portion of those looking into SEO services are still seeing the small picture. For instance, on the contact form on our High Rankings site, I ask people to tell me a little bit about their "business goals." A good number who fill it out want something like "top-5 rankings in Google and Yahoo for this keyword." Huh? That's not a business goal! A business goal is more like "Bring more people to my website who are searching online for the types of products we sell." (As a side note, soon after writing this, I got an email from someone whose goal was to have their Flash site be "#1 in all the search engines for the word 'spring.'" I kid you not!)

Don't get me wrong, I very much understand why people would love to move their rankings up from for a highly sought-after and targeted keyword phrase. I'm quite sure it would very much increase their targeted traffic and their sales (assuming they're doing everything else right). My frustration lies in the fact that there are people who believe that somehow an SEO company can magically snap their fingers or wave their magic wand and make it so.

Even the best SEOs are not magicians. They can't simply place a site at the top of the engines when there are hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of others that offer basically the same thing, and provide basically the same information. If they could, you'd see a whole lot more millionaire SEOs.
SEO Trend 3: Does this mean that SEO is quiet?

Absolutely not! But SEO that focuses on rankings for the most highly sought-after keywords in any given space is most definitely dying. This doesn't mean that you have to settle for keywords that receive few searches. It just means that you have to broaden your horizons and see the big picture. . Every website owner want to see their website top of the search engine’s search result page by searching there respective keywords.

It is very much important in case of e-commerce website. Every Ecommerce website owner wants to see their product  easily reachable to their client  as well as their competitor. Now online sale & buying is become easy but every online shop owner wants to lead their business. So it need to update their website daily or weekly for the purpose of SEO.

Almost every time I review one of those "put me at #1" prospects' websites, I see tons of opportunities for fixing the site in general so that it will work better for both their users and the search engines. They are almost always so focused on their "money phrases" that they completely neglect many areas of their site. Instead they put their special phrase on every page and never research the thousands of others that are being typed into search engines every day.

SEO Trend 4: Content for Content's

Another trend I've been seeing a lot lately is the creation of content simply for the sake of creating content. What's that all about? SEOs certainly throw the words "good content" around a lot, but why is it that nobody seems to know what that means? We now have a whole cottage industry of companies who will allegedly write "good content" for you. Worse, there are even some that will *rent* you content! Newsflash...good content has nothing to do with the history of your products. Nor is good content a bunch of madlib spam pages where you simply substitute keyword phrases from one page into the other. Good content isn't stuff you write for the search engines.

SEO Trend 5: What Exactly Is Good Content?

The collection good content may lead your business in case of website marketing.

Good content is unique. Really and truly unique. It is creative ideas that simply popped into your head which nobody else in your space has thought of yet. The key to good content is creativity. Unfortunately, creativity itself seems to be a dying art. Being creative isn't looking at what your competitor is doing and copying them. It's being a leader, not a follower. It's having your own voice and your own opinions and expressing them, regardless of what others might think. It's pouring your heart and soul into your website, not looking for the next quick fix. And it's (say it with me) making your site the best it can be for your site visitors AND the search engines. It's what brings targeted traffic to our own site for thousands of phrases, and it's what will help your site gain traffic for whatever phrases relate to it. But it's not easy, and it's not fast. And it can't be done with the flick of a switch.

SEO Trend 6: Determine Your True Goals

So please...if your pet phrase isn't ranking highly enough, don't call me and don't email me. In fact, don't call or email *any* SEO company. Instead of calling, you need to reassess your goals. No SEO company in the world will be able to help you unless you are ready to forget about what you think you want, and learn more about what you really need. Read that last sentence again until you really understand it. Forget about what you think you want, and learn more about what you really need.

SEO Trend 7: Beware of SEO Companies Who Will Tell You What You Want to Hear

And remember, there are plenty of SEO companies that will say they can do whatever you want them to do. You want to be  for "spring"? Sure, no problem. They will happily take your money, do some work, and promptly get no results. Don't blame them though – they were just telling you what you wanted to hear.



Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Convert PSD to Wordpress theme

It is the beginner tutorials for converting PSD or Photoshop Design to Wordpress themes or Wordpress template.

For writing a wordpress themes at first 2 PHP file need one is index.php and another is style.css.
For naming your themes write on top of your style.css file.
Such this way....

Theme Name:Name of your theme
Theme URI: Url of current location of your theme
Description: Simple description here
Author: Your name here
Version: 1.0 (theme version number )
License: GNU General Public License
License URI: license.txt
Tags: list of tag separated by comma(,).

Then you need to slice your psd by Photoshop slice tool as per your themes layout.

And Write your HTML code into index.php file as per your PSD design ..You can code html as Fully DIV based because It is more useful then table based html coding.
Also write your CSS code for html tag in your style.css file.

After completing the full html coding from PSD then make it wordpress code using wordpress loop,menu,widget,short code etc ..

Here you need to create function.php for functioning your widget,navigation,custom excerpt,short code,admin option for this themes.

After finishing index.php file then you can divide into header.php,footer.php,sidebar.php & index.php (content part) as par your layout in psd design.

Then copy index.php into page.php to display all wordpress page . you can code several page template if needed.

Then copy index.php into single.php for showing blog post ..

Then copy index.php into search.php,archive.php,category.php & customize those file as per your requirement.

You need to create one 404.php page for missing url of your site.

After your themes complete then copy it to wordpress themes directory. then activate your themes from wordpress admin panel.

It is just briefing to convert psd to wordpress themes ..In future I will create a complete tutorials with an example PSD file.

PHP Script for Converting MySQL Data to Comma Delimited CSV File

There are many reasons you could want to convert a MySQL database to a comma deliminated CSV file.
This Script help you ...

$host = 'HOST_NAME';
$user = 'DB_USER';
$pass = 'DB_USER_PASS';
$db = 'DB_NAME';
$table = 'TABLE_NAME';
$file = 'FILE_NAME';

$link = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die("Can not connect." . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db($db) or die("Can not connect.");

$result = mysql_query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM ".$table."");
$i = 0;
if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$csv_output .= $row['Field']."; ";

$csv_output .= "\n";

$values = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$table."");
while ($rowr = mysql_fetch_row($values)) {
for ($j=0;$j < $i;$j++) {
$csv_output .= $rowr[$j]."; ";
$csv_output .= "\n";

$filename = $file."_".date("Y-m-d_H-i",time());
header("Content-type: application/");
header("Content-disposition: csv" . date("Y-m-d") . ".csv");
header( "Content-disposition: filename=".$filename.".csv");
print $csv_output;

how to create wp theme

If you try to use the word press function to create or edit word press themes.

Please visit and download the tutorial then self try to create or edit your Word press.

Also you can visit wordpress documentation directory ...

And if you face any problem in the above two tutorials website ..then contact with webcoder or please read Webcoder Blog

Web scraping with easy example

Web scraping (also called Web harvesting or Web data extraction) is a computer software technique of extracting information from websites.
Web scraping is the process of automatically collecting Web information..
We can collect other website content automatically without access of those websites by web scraping script with PHP Regular Expression.

Here is one example:

Suppose We need to collect information from

Suppose We need the top or latest news portion with Image.. And show into my website…
$html = file_get_contents("");


'/.*?<div id="thdivbox">.*?<a href="(.*?)" >(.*?)<\/a>.*?<\/div>.*?/s',








Now you can show or store the heading text with target url.


$html = file_get_contents("");


'/.*?<div align="left" >.*?<a href="(.*?)" >(.*?)<\/a>.*?<\/div>.*?/s',






Now You can show or store the description text.